Around The Net In Ten Posts – Monday June 18, 2012

Here is what I am reading:

  1.  Worried Banks Resist Fiscal Union (The New York Times)
  2. India stuns, keeps rates steady as growth crumbles (Reuters)
  3. Dollar Shortage Seen in $2 Trillion Gap Says Morgan Stanley (Bloomberg)
  4. Guest post: inequality must not be forgotten at the G20 (beyondbrics)
  5. The Cure for Budget Deficits: Train More Deficit Hawks (Dean Baker)
  6. Austerity: Obsession in Recession (On The Economy)
  7. The Fed: Once Again Behind the Curve and Scrambling to Catch Up… (Brad DeLong)
  8. Post-New Deal America Needs Unions (Harold Meyerson)
  9. No Place to Hide if Greece Smashes the Euro (EconoMonitor)
  10. ECB battens down the hatches (MarketWatch)

What are you reading?