Around The Net In Ten Posts – Tuesday July 3, 2012

Here is what I am reading:

  1. BRICs Priced for Economic Meltdown (Bloomberg)
  2. The Euro Endangers German Economy (Spiegel Online)
  3. Summertime news: Stocks are solid (MarketWatch)
  4. Dealing with a double whammy in China: Andy Xie (MarketWatch)
  5. The Smartest Man is a Firedancer (Byron Wien)
  6. JIM O’NEILL: The World Should Copy Everything South Korea Does Except For One  Thing (Business
  7. Manufacturing Turns South (Tim Duy’s Fed Watch)
  8. Hoping history repeats itself, ISM crash aftermath edition (FT/Alphaville)
  9. The LIBOR scandal and reforming the banking sector (Not The Treasury View)
  10. A spread-fixing scheme: Monti’s pyrrhic victory? (Vox EU)

What are you reading?