Time To Get Healthy

During late February to early June period, the Health Care sector shows seasonal tendencies that offer good profitable opportunities. Our proprietary algorithm generates favorable entry and exit signals that have produced very good results.

Since 2000, our strategy has produced 41 trades with a winning rate of 85.4%. The average gain has been 11.9% for 107 calendar days holding period giving an annualized rate of 40.6%. The compound rate of return is 705% compared to S&P 500’s return of 27%. Last year, this strategy gave a net gain of 68.9% within 121 days.

Seq. ETF # of Trades Win % Avg. Return
1 FXH 5 80% 12.1%
2 IHE 6 100% 10.6%
3 IHF 6 83% 11.5%
4 RXL 6 83% 17.0%
5 XLV 12 75% 6.3%
6 XPH 6 100% 11.6%

We will start looking for entry signals starting middle of February. Once our entry signals are triggered we will send out trading alerts.