Around The Net In Ten Posts – Wednesday June 20, 2012

Here is what I am reading: Prepare for Lehmans re-run, Bank official warns (The Telegraph) Europe Under Pressure to Fulfil G-20 Promises (Spiegel Online) The One Man Who Can Save Europe (Bloomberg) Where is Amazon’s Kindle market power coming from? (Digitopoly) Debating Growth in China (EconoMonitor) Might Eurobonds be the Answer to the Euro Crisis? (Jeff…

Around The Net In Ten Posts – Tuesday June 19, 2012

Here is what I am reading: What Part of ‘Austerity Isn’t Working’ Don’t People Get? (Rolling Stone) Austerity, Forced and Unforced (Econbrowser) Quantitative Easing and Fiscal dominance (Mainly Macro) Lost in Recession, Toll on Underemployed and Underpaid (The New York Times) Spanish short-term debt costs reach alarm levels (Reuters) Angela’s Ashes: Could a Slowdown in…

Around The Net In Ten Posts – Monday June 18, 2012

Here is what I am reading:  Worried Banks Resist Fiscal Union (The New York Times) India stuns, keeps rates steady as growth crumbles (Reuters) Dollar Shortage Seen in $2 Trillion Gap Says Morgan Stanley (Bloomberg) Guest post: inequality must not be forgotten at the G20 (beyondbrics) The Cure for Budget Deficits: Train More Deficit Hawks…

Around The Net In Ten Posts – Friday June 15, 2012

Here is what I am reading: How Obama Has Failed to Deliver (Spiegel Online) Asia’s fiscal firepower to the rescue (beyondbrics) Greece Now Just a Footnote (Tim Duy’s Fed Watch) Helicopter money, Inflation targets and Quantitative Easing (Mainly Macro) Central banks reach for their guns over Greek vote (Reuters) SPX Update: All Roads Lead to New…

Around The Net In Ten Posts – Wednesday June 13, 2012

Here is what I am reading: H.K. Pledges Currency Peg After Review Urged (BusinessWeek) Angry Bagmaker Shows China Slowdown Worst in Wenzhou (Bloomberg) How Germans Botched the Spanish Bank Bailout (Bloomberg) This Time, Europe Really Is on the Brink (Spiegel Online) Easing Seems Likely, But of What Form? (Tim Duy’s Fed Watch) How tiny Finland…

Around The Net In Ten Posts – Tuesday June 12, 2012

Here is what I am reading: Obama ” Private Sector Doing Fine” (Spencer England) Pulling Plug on Greece Sells in German Town Opposing Merkel Plan (Bloomberg) Gross Boosts Treasuries 1st Time in 4 Months as QE3 Looms (Bloomberg) How Did We Get into a 2-Percent Inflation Trap? (Uneasy Money) The Italian Economy Is Sliding (EconoMonitor) Instead…

Around The Net In Ten Posts – Monday June 11, 2012

Here is what I am reading: How the FDIC can curb banks’ reckless speculation (The Big Picture) I Ruined the Dollar (David Beckworth) A Mind Made Up (David Warsh) Credit ratings: how Fitch, Moody’s and S&P rate each country (The Guardian) Startups Deserve Tax-Free, Reg-Free Incubation Period (Bloomberg) U.S. debt load falling at fastest pace since 1950s…

Around The Net In Ten Posts – Friday June 8,2012

Here is what I am reading: Why cannot other European countries show this courage?  (Mainly Maco) Who Killed American Unions? (The Atlantic) Euro Crisis Hits German Exports (Spiegel Online) It’s time to bury supply-side economics (MarketWatch) Europe may issue joint bond, just not ‘euro bond’ (MarketWatch) Here’s one Wall Street regulation that Republicans love (The…

Around The Net In Ten Posts – Thursday June 7, 2012

Here is what I am reading: Yellen Gives a Green Light (Tim Duy’s Fed Watch) Spain calls for new tax pact to save euro (The Guardian) Time for another look at portfolio protection (MarketWatch) Merkel Lowers Expectations for Quick Euro Fix (Spiegel Online) Some Questions to Ask Mr. Dimon (NYT DealBook) The Eurozone’s Architects Have…