Around The Net In Ten Posts – Friday, May 25, 2012

Here is what I am reading: Eurozone crisis live: ‘Battle lines’ drawn over eurobonds (Guardian) Crisis defines Poland, Turkey appeal (MarketWatch) After Barreling Ahead in Recession, China Finally Slows (New York Times) Swiss Franc May Need Changes in Swiss Banking (WSJ Blogs) What would Greek exit mean for the U.S. economy? (Reuters) Cameron Urged to…

Around The Net In Ten Posts – Thursday, May 24, 2012

Here is what I am reading: For growth, focus first on jobs (Reuters/Blogs) Hollande Steals the Show from Merkel (Spiegel Online) UK economy’s fall into recession deeper than expected (Guardian) Fed Watch: The Fed and the Fiscal Cliff (Economist’s View) The Seeds of the EU’s Crisis Were Sown 60 Years Ago (Bloomberg) Hey, Germany: You Got…

Around The Net In Ten Posts – Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Here is what I am reading on Wednesday morning: Germany rules out common euro bonds (Financial Times) The world’s ‘New Tigers’ lie ready to pounce (Market Watch) Merkel Faces Hollande Pleas to Shed Taboos at Crisis Summit (Bloomberg) BOJ Shirakawa Says No Change to Powerful Easing Stance (The New York Times) Nick Clegg announces ‘massive’…

Around The Net In Ten Posts – Tuesday May 22, 2012

This is what i am reading: ECB Increasingly Concerned Over Aid to Greek Banks (Spiegel Online) Swift European unity could spur epic rally (Market Watch) The not-so-creeping process of de-euroisation (FT/Alphaville) Japan Rating Cut by Fitch on ‘Leisurely’ Efforts to Tame Debt (Bloomberg) Eurozone crisis live: IMF warns UK may need fiscal stimulus (Guardian) So,…

Around The Net In Ten Posts – Monday May 21, 2012

Here is what I am reading: Today Germany is the Big Loser, Not Greece (New Economic Perspectives) Wen hints at more monetary easing (South China Morning Post) We Are Condemned to Work with Each Other (Spiegel Online) Fed Proves More Bullish Than Wall Street Forecasting U.S. Growth (Bloomberg) Lockhart: Conditions Not Right Now for QE3…

Around The Net In Ten Posts – Friday May 18, 2012

Here is what I am reading this morning: Who is Responsible for the Greek Tragedy? (Project Syndicate) Risk Was Never as Dominant as We Thought (WSJ Blogs) Portuguese Find Oasis from Crisis in Former Colony (Spiegel Online) What Dow Theory says about correction (Market Watch) Why Rupee has been the worst performing currency among emerging…

Around The Net In Ten Posts – Thursday May 17, 2012

Here is what I am reading: China Stimulus: a Lightbulb Moment (beyondbrics) 7 Things Happen to You When You Are Completely Honest (The Altucher Confidential) Fed Signals Easing Option Amid Europe Risks to Growth (Bloomberg) JPMorgan’s Trading Loss Is Said to Rise at Least 50% (The New York Times) The Mysterious Yen (WSJ Bolgs) It’s Getting…

Around The Net In Ten Posts – Wednesday May 16, 2012

Here is Wednesday morning read: China ‘big four’ bank loans drop in April (South China Morning Post) How Keynes would solve the eurozone crisis (Financial Times) Germany will blink, and won’t let Greece exit euro (Market Watch) Knives Are Out, But Will BHP and Rio Cut? (Deal Journal Australia) Politesse Trumps Policy as Hollande Meets…

Around The Net in Ten Posts – Tuesday May 15, 2012

Here is the Tuesday morning read: Outlook darkens as China FDI drops (South China Morning Post) RBA ‘well placed’ to cut rates more (Sydney Morning Herald) Merkel Won’t Budge on Austerity Despite Setback (Spiegel Online) Another Earth Needed to Meet Humans’ Demand for Resources (Bloomberg) Greece May Have to Leave Euro Zone if It Can’t…

Around The Net In 10 Posts – Monday May 14, 2012

Here is what I am reading to start the week: Why We Regulate – Paul Krugman (The New Yor Times) How the euro volatility can hurt Asia (The South China Morning Post) Building a diversified income strategy with emerging markets (Emerging Money) The Mania for Fiscal Austerity, “Hard Money” Ideology, and Reification of the Money…